Aldo Tura, rare parchment tower-shaped floor ashtray, Italy 1950s

Aldo Tura, rare parchment tower-shaped floor ashtray, Italy 1950s


Very rare parchment tower-shaped floor ashtray

Designed and executed by Aldo Tura.

Italy 1950s.

Wood covered with aniline-dyed and decorated parchment. Brass details.

Along with artists like Piero Fornasetti and Carlo Bugatti, Aldo Tura (1909-1963) definitely belonged to the mavericks of Italian design. Tura focussed on applying a specific material. Tura founded his workshop in Milan in 1939 and the company has been in operation ever since.

H 65 cm - diam. 15 cm

Conditions: good overall conditions. Defects, please check the pictures.

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